Tue, May 12
Time & Location
May 12, 2020, 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
About the event
DeAnne Connolly Graham has worked in the tourism and hospitality industry in South Florida for over 25 years. In April 2013 DeAnne founded ROI Media Consultants Inc., a business development company that focuses on connecting clients with strategic partners and prospects. DeAnne believes in creating partnerships and strategic alliances rather than fearing competition, so she focuses on building a strong professional network through her extensive involvement with the community. DeAnne serves on numerous boards and committees of business organizations and non-profits throughout South Florida, including our Focus Miami Board. Over the years she has built an extensive network throughout our community. During this current pandemic, she has transitioned to online marketing of various beneficial services that include online trading, low cost Live TV streaming, grants for home ownership, and online ordering services for restaurants. Details are outlined on her website.
- Topics to be presented. Networking in today’s new reality must be done differently. DeAnne will share new strategies on how to be effective without physical contact. Topics include: - Being a servant leadership - Being Empathetic - The 7 Touch Approach - Value Proposition - Virtual Networking
- Topic: Focus Miami - May Networking Breakfast at Home!
- Time: May 12, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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